We use cookies and share your information with third parties to provide parts of our services.

By using our website, you accept our Cookie Policy.


We use cookies and similar tracking technologies to track your activity on our Services and retain certain information.

Cookies are files with a small amount of data which may include an anonymous unique identifier. Cookies are sent to your browser from a website and stored on your device. You can choose to refuse all cookies or indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, if you do not accept cookies, you may not be able to use some parts of our Services.

Essential cookies

Essential cookies are the basic form of memory of a website, used to store the settings selected by a user. As the name suggests, they are essential for the functionality of a website and cannot be disabled.

Technical cookies

These cookies allow the user to browse and use our website, as well as access the details of visits to the site, including traffic data, location data, logs, other communication data, the resources to which the user access and use them on the site.

Analytical cookies

We use Google Analytics, a web analysis tool provided by Google that helps us understand how users interact with our website and app. The information and data collected are anonymous and, therefore, cannot be associated with individual users, so consent is not required.

How to accept, reject, delete or block cookies

It is possible to block cookies through the browser settings or configure the browser to notify the user when a server wants to save a cookie:

  • If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer, the option is in the Tools> Internet Options> Privacy> Settings menu.

  • If you are using Firefox, the option is in the Tools> Options> Privacy> Cookies menu.

  • If you are using Chrome, in the Options> Advanced> Privacy section.

  • If you are using Opera, you can configure the browser in the Security and Privacy option.

  • If you are using Safari, the option is in the Preferences / Privacy menu.